On The Table BC
An initiative that brings together people across the province to make new connections, and talk about what matters most to them. The Vancouver Foundation is spearheaded this initiative to provide a platform for people to strengthen links within their local communities and take action on the issue of increasing social isolation. This was the second year of this initiative.
We designed a host sign-in experience platform that was easy to follow. Advertising that made a connection and at the same time gave people ideas for what their very own ‘on the table’ could be like. A host tool-kit was provided to the hosts to facilitate the best conversation they could create around the subject they chose. A book was created at the end that reported and shared testimonials, documenting this event.
A comprehensive turn-key service from strategy, brand development, marketing, website, social media, filming, PR and advertising. The success of the first year pushed us further to create an experience that was easy to understand and enjoyable to use.
The format of the initiative was straightforward; pick a food to be served, whether it’s a simple snack, a homemade dinner, or even a potluck, and a topic of discussion. From there, we asked a simple question that ignited hundreds of conversations across British Columbia; ”What’s on your mind?”
From homemade meals to coffee with coworkers in the lunchroom, we saw gatherings of all shapes and sizes. Anyone can be a catalyst for building community and forging connection – sometimes all it takes is a gentle nudge and a good excuse to come together.