Best Hope
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is Canadian charity dedicated to the protection of public land, freshwater and ocean with a strong national and regional presence across the country. Working in a way that respects the sovereignty and leadership of Indigenous nations, they are focused on conserving nature to respond to the dual crises of accelerated biodiversity loss and climate change.
Instead of using imagery to show the vast beauty of the land, it was decided to illustrate the wonderful imagery to set it apart and draw more interest. Posters, postcards, stickers and a micro-site showing the illustration were created and distributed to sparkle awareness.

Indigenous-led conservation has proven to be one of the most effective tools in reducing the effects of climate change. The vision of this campaign is to conserve land, freshwater and ocean in Canada to sustain Nature and people for generations to come. This initiative also enables members of the public to simply send out letters to provincial members of parliament’s in support of a new conservation legislation that would create more of these areas.